Because of this and trying to be at peace iin my life I handled IMCHOO packing in stages.
STAGE ONE: Mind Planning
This planning occurs only in my head. Making mental list of what needs to be found and what may need to be purchased.
STAGE TWO: Mock List
These are a grouping of lists. A lot like writing notes on napkins in a dark jazz bar. These list get lost, rewritten, found in glove boxes and shorts pockets.

Finally, making a REAL list. This list will be the base for packing. My list has everything from medications to shoes. Top to bottom of how this is going to go down. My list is color coded by stages-- hotel stay, morning of, swim, T1, bike, bike special needs, T2, run, run special needs. All supplies are listed and grouped for each bag.
STAGE FOUR: Packing Preperation
I cleaned the room for packing. Laid out Ziplock bags. Set up tape. Lay out the list.
STAGE FIVE: Normal Stuff

STAGE SIX: Event Stuff
This is the technical phase. Piles of items stack up in rough, symbolic groupings. Piece by piece items went into bags, clothing was laid out. The list was checked off and double checked. Conversations happened between Patrick and I to make sure all needs were meet. Once all in bags (with labels) the event bags are cleared and repacked with only these items these now vital items.
There are a few coolers going with us- that that can be eaten on the trip and that which is saved for the course.
Line it all up. Count it all out. And DONE.
The final part to this will be washing the bikes and car and loading it all up!!!
Four days form race day, here we go.
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