Friday, October 4, 2024

Love is like Glitter

 I know, I know. I promise I tried but then life kept happening. But I am getting back on track and that's the key right? You don't have to wait till 01 January to start up again. 

I have been thinking about what to write about and I seriously have about 15 blogs started that just need a bit more to finish them-- the ADHD is strong with me. But I wanted to write this blog about communicating in our love. Now this isn't going to be the typical love languages- gifts, time, touch, acts, or words- no what I want to talk about this concept in application and in the moment. 

Now, first things first (or third paragraph at least), what I put here is MY love, it looks different than your love and that's OK, in fact that's fantastic!! Your love in action might look different than mine and to be honest I may struggle with understanding your love, but love is love and figuring it out is the fun part. 

So how did this mental loop all start you may ask? Well, I read a quote. I had heard pieces of this quote several times in my life. I have heard it said in many ways and in many applications. Recently this quote popped up through social media (yay for good things on social media) and it really stuck in my head as an ongoing reminder to really look at the moments in life for what they give back to you. Here's the quote: 

"Never regret a day in your life: Good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories." -- Unknown

What does this have to do with love? For me it isn't about days I felt loved or unloved; rather it is about how that love carries through all of these types of days and how the feeling of love cements you and offers a foundation when you are not only at your worse but also at your best. 

I have been blessed to know love my entire life but love is sneaky, it doesn't always look the same as it comes in or out of your life. Sometimes it is there for a brief flicker to give you hope or a lesson or a purpose or a light to pass to others. Sometimes love stays no matter distance or time. Love is like glitter, it will stick to you and stay with you and you will find it every where even if you can only see it when the light is just right and if you live well you will leave a trail every where you go. 

Recently I was having a bad day. There wasn't really a cause to it just one of those today's a bad day. It felt like everything I touched instead of being brightened with glitter went up in flames and disintegrated into ash. It was a day that all I really wanted to do was to hide in my closet and pretend the outside world was gone-- just *blip* GONE. One simple thing changed that day-- I walked past Patrick, who was sitting on the couch in the living room, and he put out his pointer finger. Something he has done a million times. I in-turn put out my pointer finger and just like in ET I found "home". That little flick of glitter was now stuck to me. It didn't heal my day, but it healed a small piece of my heart to allow me to continue to be present in that day. It was a bad day full of moments to gain experience but the part that made it the best day was that one little little glittering memory. 

Life doesn't come in little compartmental boxes, try as we may to file things away in the card catalogue style. And love can't be defined by one action or one moment but that one action or that one moment could give to someone enough love to keep them from hiding away. 



1 comment:

  1. I love this! And honestly needed this sweet read. I've been having multiple bad days, but I need my glitter back, lol. Love yours and Patrick's ET found home, the sweet reach out for love and comfort is so nice to have that special touch!! Excited to read more of your blogs.
