Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Teresa and Her Swimming.

It can sometimes take a person a long time to find that one "thing" that is inwardly calming and outwardly relaxing. For Teresa, that thing is swimming. When she is stressed, she swims. When she is sad, she swims. When she is happy, she swims. When she is angry, she swims faster. When she is motivated, she swims farther. You get the point. For her, as I interpret it, getting in the water allows for those external factors to melt away. She has time to herself to think and reflect. She enjoys being in the water.

Since she found out about the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim a few years ago she has been involved. Each year she wakes up early with hopes that she makes registration that sells out in minutes. Each year she works hard to raise money and trains hard to proudly represent the fallen Navy Seals to which this event it dedicated.

If you haven't heard, Teresa got into the 2018 swim. We are working on the fundraising plan for the next 150 days. Like last year, we have an IM Athlete Fundraising Page to start. We will also organize fundraising nights at local eateries, host local training swims, and work tirelessly to create a keepsake for our donors. Be on the lookout for Teresa's blogs.

If you can, please help us support the Navy SEAL Foundation.

Teresa's Donation Page for Tampa Bay Frogman Swim 2018

Teresa is actively raising money for the Navy Seal Foundation.  For more information please read this: Supporting the Navy Seal Foundation- Frogman Swim 

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