Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Curse or Blessing- Das Boot

 After we got registered for IMCHOO I jokingly told Patrick, "If we are going to get hurt this is the time, so we can heal."  I guess my body thought I was talking to it because within 2 months of being registered I felt maybe I did "something" to my foot. Upon finishing the Half Marathon, my foot was sore.  Over the next few weeks it was just not right.  With advice from friends and a loaner boot from a few athlete I started to wear a boot just during the day, when I felt I was moving the most.  I continued to walk on my foot at the house.
I continued to run some but spent most of my time on my mountain bike due to discomfort.  After a four mile run my foot was swollen and painful.  So with Patrick gone I went to the Urgent Care to get an xray done. Yeah, that was not helpful. They tried to give me pain meds and send me home.  I didn't take the medications and instead called my orthopedic surgeon (from my knee surgeries) and made appointments to go see my primary care.  After an appointment with my primary care where I was told, "Urgent Care facilities aren't for people like you." (I am still not sure if this is good or bad).  I was pointed towards Dr. Brooks who was able to get me in the office on Christmas Eve.  He confirmed there was a fracture of the second metatarsal.  Of course there were tears of frustration.  After what I am sure was a "why too long conversation" the doctor hooked me up with a boot for 4 weeks- in hopes Double Bridge would still be possible but I would have to give up the PBR Half Marathon.  
I walked to a first place finish in our Make It To The Line 4 mile event.  I volunteered for the PBR, at the Half Marathon turn around. And I completed my 13.1 mile walk the following Sunday. I spun and swam.  I felt good. So I was glad on the follow up appointment to hear, "it's healing. You can try to run."  I ran one mile that week, fearful of something going wrong.  Then 9.3 at Double Bridge.  I felt good after the event.  However on Super Bowl Sunday I started to feel some pain.  I went out for a run, within a quarter mile I called it due to the pain.  I could have pushed through but it wasn't right.  I went back to the bike and back to the doctor.
This ended in back to the boot but with new hardware- a bone stimulator.  The plan is to get me to the start line for Bay to Breakfast and the Gulf Coast Half Marathon (oh, yeah and a 31 floor stair climb). 
In the beginning I thought this is horrible.  Now, I am grateful for this time to evaluate my needs, my body, and my determination. I will be happier to be out of the boot and out running. However, for now I will focus on healing, on the bike, on the water, and on giving value to know what is best for me.
I don't wish an injury on anyone but if you are going to get injured before an event my recommendation is to do it early in your training!

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