Friday, November 6, 2015

Taking Care of Ourselves, Even If It Is Scary

We all think we take care of our bodies via exercise, eating well, and getting sleep.  But one thing most athlete appear to avoid is the doctor's office.  I have heard athletes say, "I am sure it is just swelling from my shoes", about a foot stress fracture; "I have some back pain", it ends up being a displaced vertebra; "It wasn't that bad of a crash", only to find out you have a broke femur; "I am just tired", ends up being the flu.

I will admit I am one of these types of people.  I have been curled up on the couch, gasping for breath, crying, and telling Patrick to not take me to the hospital; only to later get diagnosed with pleurisy caused by pneumonia. Which almost ended me up admitted to the hospital.  
I have had Patrick stand watch at the hospital room door so I could hobble to the bed from throwing up in the bathroom before the nurse came in so they would release me to go home after my knee surgery, instead of keeping me over night.
I have waited nearly a month before having my foot looked at after sever pain started during a Marathon.  Ending up with a stress fracture diagnosis which I tried to convince the doctor that a walking boot could be used as a running boot.  
I am telling you this so you will understand I am not one to run to the hospital or doctor.  In fact most years my primary care physician sees me one time- for a physical that my insurance says I have to have.  All that said I am now going to tell you, you need to seek medical help even when you sometimes don't think it is a big deal.  
I will tell you while all my test have always come back normal (eventually, sometimes), I still get nervous and feel overwhelmed with dealing with medical issues.  I think as a female some medical issues hit closer to home this was my case over the past two years.  
I have had two recent events which I think are important to share because they could have been something much scarier than what they ended up being. 
About a year ago I was having intense pain on the right side of my abdominal area.  I figured the pain was from ovarian cyst which I am prone to and hurt like a son-of-a-gun. I continued to train and race.  On one run I started to notice the pain felt started to cause pressure in my abdomen and then became stabbing pain.  By the end of the run I was leaning to my right side due to the pain.  I of course did what any normal person would do, I took a shower, got out the heating pad, and tried to rest.  Well, resting was not very restful.  I fought it a few more days, fighting through a few more workouts, until I finally went to the doctor (well, was told I could go or stop mentioning it by someone who will remain unnamed).  After some testing come to find out that I not only had ovarian cysts but also my liver appeared enlarged (yeah I know it seems weird to find one while looking at the other but they ultra-sounded the whole side).  Turns out enlarged livers can mean a lot of things- some are kind of scary things.  More testing- still not a fan.  The good thing is most liver issues can be identified or dismissed through blood testing.  YAY-- blood testing came back normal, second liver scan came back with no changes, and the ovarian cysts were decreasing in size-- pain was decreasing.  While all was good I was still worried, there is really no reason for my liver to be enlarged that medical professionals could find but there is also no medical issue found either.  The ovarian cysts still plague me but not nearly as much pain.  It was semi peace of mind but I knew for sure it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
While it took time, frustration, and encountering the unknown, it was ultimately worth it to know that my insides were really not trying to leave the union of my body and my health was intact. 

The second event happened over the past few weeks.  I have been having breast tenderness and pain.  I finally convinced myself my xray vision didn't work, a doctor would be necessary.  I went to the Women's Imaging Center near our home (after my PCP visit because of course one appointment is not enough)-- I have to say the 3D imaging is awesome (I am never having kids so 3D breast imagining is the best I get)!!!! They did the 3D imagining and an ultrasound. In the imaging there was clearly 2 cyst and a swollen lymph node.  The ultrasound showed the cysts were not abnormal, they were filled with fluid and not hard tumors.  YAY!!!  The pain was mostly being cause because the cysts are between the fibrocystic breast tissue and my muscle tissue.  While again the diagnosis was positive- it is always good to have a "go home and if you need us come back follow up plan".  Again the problem is not solved but I know what it is and more importantly what it isn't.
For me these events turned out well, but I will say this I will go to the doctor and get testing each time these pains of concerns come up. WHY?  Because peace of mind and honoring my body is why I run, so it order to keep on running I am going to make sure I make efforts to take care of me even when I get scared
I tell you this because I know it is difficult to go to the doctor.  It is scary, because WedMD tells you the worse diagnosis possible.  But doctor's have their place in helping us to take care of ourselves.  Bottom line for me is this-- I don't have cancer and my liver is not failing-- I know that right now; I am not guessing, I KNOW.  In that there is freedom and peace.  

Just a friendly PSA to see your doctor

I am are continuing to raise money for the Navy Seal Foundation.  For more information please read this: Supporting the Navy Seal Foundation- Frogman Swim 

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